Software Quality Assurance encompasses the entire software development process, which includes processes such as requirements definition, software design, coding, source code control, code reviews, change management, configuration management, testing, release management, and product integration. SQA is organized into goals, commitments, abilities, activities, measurements, and verifications
Big Data practice is equipped with the right blend of resources possessing rich experience and deep skills in Big Data.The massive explosion of data and Internet devices has led to rapid advent of Big Data in recent past. Majority of data that contributes to Big Data comes from internet sources are Internet of Things(IOT). We understand that the business is not interested in single data but desires to look at the trend and patterns in the data which might boost the business tremendously, and Internet of things would be creating streams of data needed for this purpose. The objective is to understand the information needed by various industries and across verticals to improve the decision-making to assist the business and the major sources that contributes to this information.
We connect the best digital creative talent with marketing, advertising, interactive design and mobile applications development to client organizations.. This requires a strong system of good process of identfying talented people versatile in use of state-of-the-art technology.